The Single flange level transmitters in Closed Vessels
2023-11-30 16:48A single flange level transmitter is a pressure transmitter that is mounted directly on a pipe or vessel. The single flange level transmitters can accurately measure the level and density of various containers. Since the isolation diaphragm of the single flange differential level transmitters directly in contact with the liquid medium, there is no need to lead the positive pressure side out with a pilot tube, so it is suitable for the measurement of high temperature, high viscosity, easy to crystallize, easy to precipitate and strong corrosion and other media.
There are many instruments for measuring the liquid level in closed containers. Common measuring instruments include magnetic flap level meters, single flange diaphragm level transmitters, double flange diaphragm pressure transmitters, and radar level meters. In some specific environments, the float of the magnetic float level meter makes it easy to lose magnetism, resulting in liquid level meter failure. The radar level meter has high precision, but the cost investment is larger. At the same time, in the early stage of operation due to more signal interference sources, the measurement of radar level meter has a greater impact. The single flange differential level transmitter has lower cost, high measurement accuracy, and fewer interference sources, so single flange differential level transmitter is more commonly used in measuring the liquid level in closed containers.
The process conditions have a great impact on the measurement data of the single flange level transmitter.
One of our customers did not pay attention to the impact of water flow on pressure when selecting between a flat single flange level transmitter and a plug-in single flange level transmitter, so he chose a plug-in single flange diaphragm level transmitter. After using the single flange diaphragm level transmitter, the liquid level data it measured often occurs low. Due to the inaccurate measurement data of the single-flange diaphragm pressure transmitter, the regulating valve that automatically adjusts the liquid level cannot work properly. The liquid level in the barrel can only be adjusted by on-site operators observing the glass tube liquid level gauge. It not only increases the workload, but inaccurate data also affects production.
At first, they suspected that our single-flange diaphragm pressure transmitter had problems, but after testing, they found that the flange differential level transmitter was working normally in the laboratory. After carefully observing the process piping at the site, they found that the measurement value of the differential level transmitter was suddenly large and small. After careful observation and analysis, they found that the differential level transmitter 's positive pressure measurement data was distorted due to water flow.