Vortex Flow Meters for Steam/High Temperature Flue Gas Measurement
2023-11-23 15:21Steam is one of the most important energy sources for industrial production. It is also the main heat source for urban central heating. Steam flow measurement is related to the density of steam, and the steam density changes with the temperature and pressure of steam. Therefore, in steam flow measurement, it is necessary to correct the steam density to improve the accuracy.
The vortex flow meter utilizes the relationship between the frequency generated by the vortex and the flow velocity to measure. The following content is the vortex shedding flow meter in the measurement of steam, high-temperature flue gas on the application:
The vortex steam flow meter can measure the steam flow, such as industrial steam flow, saturated steam flow, and stainless steel steam flow. The vortex shedding flow meter has high measurement accuracy, is not affected by temperature and pressure changes, and is not easy to clog and wear. Therefore, the vortex steam flow meter has high reliability in steam flow measurement.
Vortex vapor flow meters can measure the flow of high-temperature flue gas. Because the vortex shedding flow meter has good performance of high-temperature resistance, the vortex vapor flow meter can be used for high-temperature flue gas flow measurement. At the same time, the vortex vapor flow meter is not affected by the composition, density, viscosity, and other factors of the medium, thus the vortex vapor flow meter has a high measurement accuracy.
Vortex steam flow meters are used for steam flow and high-temperature flue gas flow measurement to help achieve energy conservation and emission reduction goals. By accurately measuring the flow rate of steam and flue gas, enterprises can better grasp the energy consumption, and the company could take effective energy-saving measures. The vortex steam flow meters in steam and high-temperature flue gas measurement can provide real-time, accurate flow data for enterprises. This application of the vortex vapor flow meter helps to optimize the production process and improve production efficiency.
The vortex flow meters can be integrated with existing industrial automation control systems to achieve remote monitoring, alarm, and other functions. This function of the vortex flow meter provides enterprises with more efficient operational management. The steam flow meters have good safety performance and are suitable for harsh environments and high-risk areas. The no moving parts and no gaps design of the vortex flow meter makes the product highly resistant to dirt and wear.
In short, vortex flow meter has a wide range of application prospects in steam and high-temperature flue gas measurement, providing enterprises with accurate and reliable flow measurement solutions.